Michael is a researcher at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence.
His research interests focus on the areas of GPU programming models, high-performance computing, and real-time graphics with numerous publications at reputable venues including Eurographics, SIGGRAPH, and SIGGRAPH Asia.
He has been involved in teaching courses in the areas of GPU programming as well as computer graphics for many years at two different universities. Send mail
Bernhard Kerbl
Bernhard is a post-doctoral university assistant at TU Wien.
He obtained his PhD at Graz University of Technology for his research into GPU scheduling, real-time rendering, parallel data structures and geometry processing.
He has published papers on these topics at major computer science venues, including Eurographics, ACM CHI and SIGGRAPH.
His interests include real-time rendering, parallel programming and high-performance computing.
Bernhard regularly reviews technical papers for top-tier venues and has been part of the IPC for the Eurographics and High-Performance Graphics conference venues.
He has taught graphics and CUDA-related courses at three Austrian universities. Send mailTU WienLinkedIn
Martin Winter
Martin is a PhD student at Graz University of Technology, Austria, working in the GPU Computing Group at the Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision.
Since joining the group, he has published several first-author papers at conferences as master student (HPEC'17) and as PhD student (SC'18, PPoPP'19, ICS'20 and PPoPP'21), as well as a number of second-author publications, even winning a best student paper award at HPEC'17.
His research interests include high-performance computing, dynamic graph / resource management and task scheduling on GPUs as well as teaching (currently teaching the introductory GPU programming course at Graz University of Technology). Send mail
Markus Steinberger
Markus is an Assistant Professor at Graz University of Technology, Austria, leading the GPU Computing Group at the Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision.
His biggest honors include the promotion sub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae in 2014, being the first Austrian to win the GI Dissertation Prize, and winning the Heinz Zemanek Prize.
His research interests are reflected by the numerous awards won by his papers, including ACM CHI, IEEE Infovis, Eurographics, ACM NPAR, EG/ACM HPG, and IEEE HPEC best paper. Send mailHomepage